The Best Prime Lenses for the Leica SL2

2022-10-10 21:00:54 By : Ms. Polly Maggie

The Leica SL2 boasts some great resolution while also giving a whole lot of details to images shot at high ISOs. When coupled with Leica’s lenses, you can stare at the details for a very long time. We think photographers using the Leica SL2 will really appreciate the extra versatility it will provide when editing and even when it comes to cropping or printing. However, a camera is nothing without its lenses. So we’re rounding up the best lenses for the Leica SL2.

The Phoblographer’s various product round-up features are done in-house. Our philosophy is simple: you wouldn’t get a Wagyu beef steak review from a lifelong vegetarian. And you wouldn’t get photography advice from someone who doesn’t touch the product. We only recommend gear we’ve fully reviewed. If you’re wondering why your favorite product didn’t make the cut, there’s a chance it’s on another list. If we haven’t reviewed it, we won’t recommend it. This method keeps our lists packed with industry-leading knowledge. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Here’s some insight into how we chose the best prime lenses for the Leica SL2:

In our review, we state:

The bokeh is gorgeous. Further, we couldn’t find a single problem with fringing or distortion. So in post-production, that means you can focus less on the flaws and more on the images. Then there are the gorgeous colors and the sharpness that is better realized on higher megapixel camera bodies. I have to say you’re better off just using this lens on the more top end bodies.

Buy Now at the Leica Camera Store

In our review, we state:

The Leica 75mm f2 SL has SPECTACULAR image quality. Part of this is because of just how versatile this lens is. However, there’s a lot to really like about the Leica 75mm f2 SL. It’s got nice bokeh, is sharp, has really beautiful colors, and there are no optical issues with it. Best of all, it’s an odd focal length, so it means you’re working in a different way. But at the same time, it’s not that unusual of an optic.

Buy Now at the Leica Camera Store.

In our review, we state:

Optically speaking, there isn’t much to say about the Leica 90mm f2 SL besides the fact that it’s pretty perfect. It’s got colors you’re going to love. And that bokeh? Oh, man! You’ll almost feel like you’re shooting with a 135mm lens instead! It’s sharp without being too sharp. 

Buy Now at the Leica Camera Store

This piece is presented in partnership with Leica. We’ve independently and ethically reviewed all the products in this post already without sponsorship. And we worked with them to recommend a few key gems to you.